
113 results found, Show results 76 - 100

Carol F. Cassity about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
“The Zinger Winger is the most versatile, reliable, and easy to use winger available. I have seen and used almost every winger that is commercially available and the Zinger Winger beats them all hands down. As far as versatility, the Zinger Winger has an adjustable arc and throw that will suit virtually any training or judging situation. The Zinger Wingers ease of use allows ANYONE to be a great bird boy. With a Zinger Winger as a part of your training equipment you no longer have to hope for a decent mark – it’s guaranteed!!”
Julie Anderson about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
“The Zinger Winger is an excellent thrower, not only as a remote, but as we field trainers get older, its ideal as a ‘hand-operated’ thrower for getting those wonderful long throws. Thank you so much for your wonderful thrower.”
Ray Amundson about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
They throw birds better than anything I’ve seen or used. They’re terrific!”
Sam Fergeson about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
Still the BEST remote bird launcher around”
Greg Lukes about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"After a lot of research on the Internet and in magazines, I purchased my first Zinger Winger last May 2001. I just purchased my second one last month. I purchased them from Lion County Supply, and they were drop shipped from you. I wanted to let you know how happy I am with your fine product. They have performed flawlessly. I have 2 labs and it was always hard to find help to throw bumpers or ducks. That problem has been solved with the use of my Zinger Wingers. I usually train 5 to 6 days a week so the launchers get a lot of use and I have never had a problem with either one of them. I really look forward to each training session to use my launchers. They are so easy and fast to set up and the variety of marks that can be thrown is endless. I thought maybe I would have trouble getting the dogs to mark on the launcher, but I was shocked when they both retrieved the first throws from the launcher. I am a member of the Sioux Valley Retriever Club and I have recommended your product to several members. I'm sure it won't be long and I will be purchasing my third Zinger Winger. Thanks for making such a fine constructed, dependable product. The dogs and I have a fun time using them."
Jane Bailey, Marylsnd about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"I love the winger - works great. It is so quiet! Every winger I have ever trained with makes clattering noises as the hooks, rings, etc fly off the release and bang the poles etc..this thing is so smooth and quiet - LOVE IT!"
Mike Eastin Jr about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"My dad, Michael Eastin Sr., just received his 3 Zinger Winger and electronics a few days ago. I tried them out for the first time this morning, and I'm very pleased! The construction is very solid, but yet very easy to set up. I was amazed at how high and far they threw. The most important thing is how well Ace, my female black lab, enjoyed it. She was so excited! I was able to throw more marks in 40 minutes than the past 2 weeks. Thanks."
John Hamilton, Valenica Kennels about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"My equipment gets used, abused and beat up. These Zinger Wingers have yet to fail me."
Michael Noel about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"Just a quick word about the Zinger: AWESOME!!! What a piece of engineering! My dog got so fired up watching that bumper just fly. First time out I ran it as a single, then ran it as the memory bird on a double and she started whining when she got moved off of it for the go bird… she has NEVER whined at the line before! Obviously I don’t want noise at the line and I will correct it, but I took it as a sign that she was very fired up over the big flight of the bumper. It won’t be long till I will be ordering my second one."
Alice Woodyard about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
“I have sent 1000’s of birds through my two launchers. They both still look close to new and nothing has bent, broken, fallen off, or needed adjustment. Because of the ease of the “manual” mode, they have seen regular service with human-operation as well as true remotes. The convenience of your lightweight design is second to none and what really tickles me, is how “grab and go” they are. They set up so fast it is hard to believe if you have used any other winger brand. Being able to adjust the throw angle infinitely, and reposition quickly if you need a change in the fall for a young dog is a real practical advantage.”
Scott Katzenmeyer, President of Madison RC about  Remote Field Trialer™ G5:
"I found your link on your home page to the Katrina article "ZINGER WINGERS SURVIVE HURRICANE KATRINA" interesting. In August my group was training and a tornado hit in Stoughton, WI. My zinger winger was thrown about 50 yards and took a few tumbles while million dollar homes were being destroyed. My remote fell off but there were no blemishes on the winger."
Glenna Mitchell, Mitchell Labs about  Uplander G5 Launcher:
"I LOVE my zinger wingers - I have 7 -- some old style and some newer - all bought used - but they work great! I have a client that bought the portable blind and she brings it for us all to use when she comes up to train with us. I thought it was a super idea! I asked Santa for one for Christmas - but guess he didn't get the message - I plan to buy one in the near future! Thanks for making great QUALITY products! I've used other brands of wingers - and they do not come close to zingers!!!"
Sam Fergeson about  Uplander G5 Launcher:
Still the BEST remote bird launcher around”
Steve and Emily Faith about  Uplander G5 Launcher:
“We want to let you know that we love the Wingers! Especially with the cold weather, it is hard to get anyone else to go out and train, but with these launchers, it doesn’t keep our dogs from getting marks! The throws are great and they are very easy to use. This is the best shape our dogs have ever been in, in the winter. Thanks again”
Ray Amundson about  Uplander G5 Launcher:
They throw birds better than anything I’ve seen or used. They’re terrific!”
Happy Customer, Ottawa about  Dogtra iQ Plus:
Just wanted to let you know that the e collar is amazing!! It's so much fun to take Sasha to the park and actually play fetch. She brings the stick back and drops it at my feet (never done that before without food as an incentive) I rarely have to touch the remote. In the house her behavior is much better too. Makes the crazy hours around dinner so much better! She is also great when people come to the front door. I had a delivery this morning and she stayed where she was told. Thanks again for showing me that I will like it once I got it! I'll keep you posted on our progress! Thanks again!
Ray Amundson about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
They throw birds better than anything I’ve seen or used. They’re terrific!”
Bill Swanson, Flatlands Kennels about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
"In our business the equipment we use must be dependable and work everyday. We train with our Zinger Wingers 5 days a week and I have yet to have a mechanical problem. I recommend them to my clients."
Penny Krebs about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
"Just wanted to let you know that I trained with my Zinger Wingers for two weeks in the Rockies during my vacation and I am really happy with them. They are always consistent and the throws are great."
Joie & Kristie Wilder, WaterDog Kennels about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
"Just wanted to let you know we're having a blast with the Zinger Winger. The dogs LOVE it. Has worked great for a couple of headswing cases we have. They can't take their eyes off it even with two other close gunners. Also used it to shoot flyers and it was incredible. We're really enjoying it. Thanks again."
Alice Woodyard about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
"I have sent 1000's of training birds through my two Zinger Wingers. They both still look close to new and nothing has bent, broken, fallen off, or needed adjustment. I have trained with almost all the launcher brands on the market, and the convenience of the Zinger Winger's lightweight design is second to none. What really tickles me is how "grab and go" they are. They set up so fast it is hard to believe if you have used any other winger brands. Since they are never staked down, it was a pleasant surprise to find out how stable they are in a cross wind. I use them in some strong winds and they have never even threatened to tip over. Finally, being able to adjust the throw angle infinitely, and reposition the winger quickly without messing with stakes, are practical advantages if you need make a change in the fall for one young dog in the training group. Because it's so easy to do, you'll tend to make the adjustments you should make for the individual dog, rather than make a young dog "come up to the test" because it's too hard to move a winger. I like this. They're a really great training tool."
John Hamilton, Valenica Kennels about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
"My equipment gets used, abused and beat up. These Zinger Wingers have yet to fail me.
Sam Fergeson about  Remote Zinger Winger II™ G5:
Still the BEST remote bird launcher around”
Jim Coggins about  Remote Mini-Zinger™ G5:
"I just wanted to send a follow up after using my two Zinger Wingers for a couple weeks now. I am delighted with them. What an improvement over the original strongarms. I have thrown ducks, thawed and frozen, pigeons and just yesterday I used the ZW to launch a live duck. The ZW pouch allowed one person to man the gun station and both launch and shoot the duck. I am impressed by how far the unit will throw a bird. The high and long arc is great for long field trial marks. I especially like the idea that the arc is infinitely and quickly adjustable. Overall, I am thrilled and I wanted to let you know."
Mark Edwards, Tidewater Golden Retrievers about  Remote Mini-Zinger™ G5:
“I train 4-5 days a week, training classes twice a week. My zinger wingers get used without failure. I purchased my wingers 5 years ago, there alot of similar products out there but nothing compares to the construction or the ease of operation.”

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